Birth of believing

The first thing I want to tell you dear readers is that we are pleased to bring your attention. Here is the basic information about the product, its concept and our thoughts about it.
To begin with, I want to draw attention to the fact that it is more than a product and a platform for us. It is a combination of our views and beliefs to work as a whole.

From the beginning of a career, each of us at least once in his life faced with incomprehension and rejection of good ideas. People who are managers dictate its conservative tradition in the usual thing for them oblivious to the fact that the world is changing very quickly. New ideas, innovation, young and energetic people are the primary fuel for the changes. “Minority” is thoroughly saturated with this spirit, the spirit of new opportunities and innovations. Using this platform, each employee can submit their views on both the routine and on the challenges for companies and executives to see the impact of any non-standard changes.

We are advocates of absolute meritocracy and build any activity based on rationality and critical thinking. Make the best product does not mean to create a product that brings a lot of profit, but choosing between profit and the impact on society we take an impact. Every day we try to see the world through the eyes of our customers, to see their problems and provide solutions for them even in the most complicated problems. We did not give up earlier and will not give up in the future, and we will go forward. We are a team of “Minority”.